The Single Woman's Sassy Survival Guide: Letting Go and Moving On

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Breaking News: Since this book was released in February, it has become a runaway bestseller and garnered an unprecedented number of five-star reviews. The author is currently on Oprah's LifeClass Tour at the invitation of Ms. Winfrey and her staff.

As we weather the choppy waters we call Life, it’s a decision we will face time and time and time again: Do we cling to a situation that’s taking us under out of fear of letting go of the familiar…or do we open our hand and let go of that friendship, that relationship, that job, that opportunity, or that grievance that we’ve been clinging to, realizing that to flail around uncertainly for a season is all a part of discovering our destiny?

“How do you know so much about letting go and moving on?” You might ask. “What makes you the expert?”

Well, I’m not an expert. Let’s get that straight. I’m not a guru. I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a counselor or a fortune teller or the Great and Powerful Oz.

I am a single woman. Just like you.

Maybe you’re not a single woman – or even a woman. Maybe you’re just someone who needs to release someone or something that’s holding you back from being your best self and living your best life. And that’s okay, too. As I say on my Twitter page and on my website on a regular basis, anyone looking for inspiration and motivation is welcome here. Anyone looking to leave the past behind and shine is welcome here. And anyone who holds out for the best and refuses to settle for less is welcome here. Married, single, female, male, old, young, gay, straight. Come one, come all!

Just like you - I am a friend. A sister. A daughter. An aunt.

I have loved and lost. I have grieved and clung. I have let go and moved on.

Sneakers or stilettos, I’ve been in your shoes…and I know every step of the journey. Perhaps even better than any guru or expert or counselor or fortune teller.

I am the best friend who will tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. I am the big sister with the shoulder to cry on when it seems like the rest of the world has turned away. I hope to be the Cruise Director who guides you full steam ahead through the often choppy and turbulent waters of letting go and moving on directly to the white sandy beach of life AFTER letting go and moving on. Do you see me? I’m waiting for you there, fruity drink with the little umbrella in hand.

So what does this actually look like, this “letting go and moving on” thing? What are the steps? What does it mean? And how do you know when it’s time to throw in the towel…call it a day…and walk away? In “The Single Woman’s Sassy Survival Guide to Letting Go & Moving On,” we’ll cover the five major areas of life that we often find ourselves needing to let go of: Relationships, Friendships, Jobs, Opportunities, and Grievances. How are we going to do it? By examining the five benchmarks for letting go and moving on: the Who, the What, the Why, the When, and the How. At the end of each chapter, we’ll review the Five Fabulous Finds from that section for you to take away as daily affirmations, pick-me-ups, or sassy reminders to get you off of “What Might Have Been” Highway and back on the road to letting go and moving on.

So sit down with your computer, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever other technological device you happen to be reading from and let’s have some good old-fashioned girl talk. Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine…and let’s turn the page and leave the past behind.

Shall we?

About The Author, Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman™.” In less than two years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of over 400,000 people from across the globe.

Recently named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post and a 2011 "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, Mandy is making a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

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Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Breaking News: Since this book was released in February, it has become a runaway bestseller and garnered an unprecedented number of five-star reviews. The author is currently on Oprah's LifeClass Tour at the invitation of Ms. Winfrey and her staff.

As we weather the choppy waters we call Life, it’s a decision we will face time and time and time again: Do we cling to a situation that’s taking us under out of fear of letting go of the familiar…or do we open our hand and let go of that friendship, that relationship, that job, that opportunity, or that grievance that we’ve been clinging to, realizing that to flail around uncertainly for a season is all a part of discovering our destiny?

“How do you know so much about letting go and moving on?” You might ask. “What makes you the expert?”

Well, I’m not an expert. Let’s get that straight. I’m not a guru. I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a counselor or a fortune teller or the Great and Powerful Oz.

I am a single woman. Just like you.

Maybe you’re not a single woman – or even a woman. Maybe you’re just someone who needs to release someone or something that’s holding you back from being your best self and living your best life. And that’s okay, too. As I say on my Twitter page and on my website on a regular basis, anyone looking for inspiration and motivation is welcome here. Anyone looking to leave the past behind and shine is welcome here. And anyone who holds out for the best and refuses to settle for less is welcome here. Married, single, female, male, old, young, gay, straight. Come one, come all!

Just like you - I am a friend. A sister. A daughter. An aunt.

I have loved and lost. I have grieved and clung. I have let go and moved on.

Sneakers or stilettos, I’ve been in your shoes…and I know every step of the journey. Perhaps even better than any guru or expert or counselor or fortune teller.

I am the best friend who will tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. I am the big sister with the shoulder to cry on when it seems like the rest of the world has turned away. I hope to be the Cruise Director who guides you full steam ahead through the often choppy and turbulent waters of letting go and moving on directly to the white sandy beach of life AFTER letting go and moving on. Do you see me? I’m waiting for you there, fruity drink with the little umbrella in hand.

So what does this actually look like, this “letting go and moving on” thing? What are the steps? What does it mean? And how do you know when it’s time to throw in the towel…call it a day…and walk away? In “The Single Woman’s Sassy Survival Guide to Letting Go & Moving On,” we’ll cover the five major areas of life that we often find ourselves needing to let go of: Relationships, Friendships, Jobs, Opportunities, and Grievances. How are we going to do it? By examining the five benchmarks for letting go and moving on: the Who, the What, the Why, the When, and the How. At the end of each chapter, we’ll review the Five Fabulous Finds from that section for you to take away as daily affirmations, pick-me-ups, or sassy reminders to get you off of “What Might Have Been” Highway and back on the road to letting go and moving on.

So sit down with your computer, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever other technological device you happen to be reading from and let’s have some good old-fashioned girl talk. Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine…and let’s turn the page and leave the past behind.

Shall we?

About The Author, Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman™.” In less than two years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of over 400,000 people from across the globe.

Recently named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post and a 2011 "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, Mandy is making a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

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The Hunger Games [Kindle Edition]

Review: Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101

Petinggi Apple, Tim Cook sempat terganggu ketika pertanyaan soal penggabungan produk tablet dan notebook dilayangkan kepadanya. Pasalnya, model ini sudah diterapkan pesaing Apple, Asus.
Mari mengenal produk Asus yang banyak dinilai analis teknologi sebagai terobosan menjanjikan. Setelah Asus Transformer, Asus merilis Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101. Tablet dengan layar 10.1 inci ditempelkan keyboard fisik ala notebook. Sentuh, slide, dan ketik menjadi keunggulan  SL101.


Dari segi bentuk, Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101 memberikan kesegaran. Anda tidak perlu lagi membeli dan memasang keyboard tambahan seperti pada Asus Transformer.

Keyboard penuh layaknya notebook biasa ini nyaman untuk pengetikan teks yang panjang. Ukuran tombolnya tepat sehingga menyisakan ruang gerak jari yang lega. Kendati kurang menyisakan ruang istirahat untuk tangan.
Asus Eee Pad Slider Tampak Belakang


SL101 terlihat kompak. Tapi, layar 10.1 inci terlalu besar untuk mobilitas kerja. Ditambah bobot 960 gram yang kurang nyaman untuk ditopang satu tangan saat di jalan. Ukuran layar pun terlalu besar untuk dapat dinikmati dalam posisi vertikal. Penggabungan tablet dan notebook ini malah menyulitkan mobilitas dan penggunaan.

Di luar tujuannya untuk mobilitas, SL101 lebih nyaman digunakan bekerja saat di kantor atau rumah. Layar yang disangga agar miring ini nyaman dipandang dalam posisi duduk tegak.

Aplikasi Polaris Office disiapkan untuk produktivitas mobile. Anda dapat mengedit tugas kantor dalam perjalanan. Asus menyediakan Webstorage untuk penyimpanan dokumen unlimited selama satu tahun. Anda dapat berbagi data dengan mudah. Masih ditambah dengan solusi komputasi awan MyCloud.


Layar 10.1 inci baru terasa tepat saat menikmati hiburan video. SL101 menyimpan kekuatan CPU dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2.1.0GHz yang mendukung pemutaran video 1080p dengan mulus. Port miniHDMI dapat menghubungkan tablet dengan TV.

Anda dapat pula menjalankan multi-tasking untuk melompat ke aplikasi lain dengan menekan tombol sentuh menu pada sistem operasi Android 3.1.

Speaker dengan Supreme SRS Sound memberikan dentuman bass yang bulat. Dengan port USB berukuran penuh, Anda dapat memutar video yang disimpan di flashdisk atau hard disk eksternal.

Panel IPS dibuat dari kaca Corning Gorilla yang tangguh dan anti-gores. Sudut penglihatan hingga 178 derajat dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menonton bersama. Warna-warni film animasi terlihat cerah di sini.


Selain dari bobot dan ukuran layar, SL101 menyimpan kekurangan lain. Kamera SL101 memiliki kualitas yang buruk. Kamera 5 MP terdengar menjanjikan. Tapi, bukan untuk kemampuan pada pencahayaan minim. Hasil foto pada malam hari diwarnai dengan bintik-bintik noise yang mengganggu. Detail foto pun terlihat kurang tajam. Apalagi tanpa bantuan LED flash, memotret pada malam hari hanya menghasilkan foto yang kurang indah untuk diunggah ke Instagram.

Keyboard fisik belum menjadi solusi terbaik pada SL101. Ruang gerak mengetik masih terasa janggal. Ditambah bobot yang relatif berat untuk tablet malah menjadi kurang kompak. Apabila ukuran layar dipangkas menjadi 7-8 inci, mungkin Asus Eee Pad Slider dapat menjadi tablet yang portabel.

Harga: Rp5.250.000
Rival: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus

Sistem Operasi: Android Honeycomb 3.1 (bisa pembaruan v3.2)
Dimensi: 273 x 180,3 x 17,3 mm, 960 gram
Layar: 10.1" LED Backlight WXGA (1280x800), multitouch
Memori: 1GB, 16GB/32GB (internal), Unlimited ASUS Web Storage
Konektivitas: WLAN 802.11 b/g/n@2.4GHz, Bluetooth V2.1+EDR, USB 2.0, Mini HDMI, x Audio Jack (Headphone/Mic-In)
Kamera: 1.2 MP (depan), 5 MP (belakang)
Sensor: G-sensor, Light Sensor, Gyroscope
Aplikasi: ASUS Launcher, MyLibrary, MyNet, MyCloud, File manager, Kindle books, Zinio Magazine, PressReader, Polaris Office, ASUS sync
Baterai: 25Wh Li-Polymer Battery
Waktu Siaga: hingga 16 jam (dengan docking station)
Waktu Pakai: hingga 8 jam (memutar video 720p, dengan terang LCD 60).

Petinggi Apple, Tim Cook sempat terganggu ketika pertanyaan soal penggabungan produk tablet dan notebook dilayangkan kepadanya. Pasalnya, model ini sudah diterapkan pesaing Apple, Asus.
Mari mengenal produk Asus yang banyak dinilai analis teknologi sebagai terobosan menjanjikan. Setelah Asus Transformer, Asus merilis Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101. Tablet dengan layar 10.1 inci ditempelkan keyboard fisik ala notebook. Sentuh, slide, dan ketik menjadi keunggulan  SL101.


Dari segi bentuk, Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101 memberikan kesegaran. Anda tidak perlu lagi membeli dan memasang keyboard tambahan seperti pada Asus Transformer.

Keyboard penuh layaknya notebook biasa ini nyaman untuk pengetikan teks yang panjang. Ukuran tombolnya tepat sehingga menyisakan ruang gerak jari yang lega. Kendati kurang menyisakan ruang istirahat untuk tangan.
Asus Eee Pad Slider Tampak Belakang


SL101 terlihat kompak. Tapi, layar 10.1 inci terlalu besar untuk mobilitas kerja. Ditambah bobot 960 gram yang kurang nyaman untuk ditopang satu tangan saat di jalan. Ukuran layar pun terlalu besar untuk dapat dinikmati dalam posisi vertikal. Penggabungan tablet dan notebook ini malah menyulitkan mobilitas dan penggunaan.

Di luar tujuannya untuk mobilitas, SL101 lebih nyaman digunakan bekerja saat di kantor atau rumah. Layar yang disangga agar miring ini nyaman dipandang dalam posisi duduk tegak.

Aplikasi Polaris Office disiapkan untuk produktivitas mobile. Anda dapat mengedit tugas kantor dalam perjalanan. Asus menyediakan Webstorage untuk penyimpanan dokumen unlimited selama satu tahun. Anda dapat berbagi data dengan mudah. Masih ditambah dengan solusi komputasi awan MyCloud.


Layar 10.1 inci baru terasa tepat saat menikmati hiburan video. SL101 menyimpan kekuatan CPU dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2.1.0GHz yang mendukung pemutaran video 1080p dengan mulus. Port miniHDMI dapat menghubungkan tablet dengan TV.

Anda dapat pula menjalankan multi-tasking untuk melompat ke aplikasi lain dengan menekan tombol sentuh menu pada sistem operasi Android 3.1.

Speaker dengan Supreme SRS Sound memberikan dentuman bass yang bulat. Dengan port USB berukuran penuh, Anda dapat memutar video yang disimpan di flashdisk atau hard disk eksternal.

Panel IPS dibuat dari kaca Corning Gorilla yang tangguh dan anti-gores. Sudut penglihatan hingga 178 derajat dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menonton bersama. Warna-warni film animasi terlihat cerah di sini.


Selain dari bobot dan ukuran layar, SL101 menyimpan kekurangan lain. Kamera SL101 memiliki kualitas yang buruk. Kamera 5 MP terdengar menjanjikan. Tapi, bukan untuk kemampuan pada pencahayaan minim. Hasil foto pada malam hari diwarnai dengan bintik-bintik noise yang mengganggu. Detail foto pun terlihat kurang tajam. Apalagi tanpa bantuan LED flash, memotret pada malam hari hanya menghasilkan foto yang kurang indah untuk diunggah ke Instagram.

Keyboard fisik belum menjadi solusi terbaik pada SL101. Ruang gerak mengetik masih terasa janggal. Ditambah bobot yang relatif berat untuk tablet malah menjadi kurang kompak. Apabila ukuran layar dipangkas menjadi 7-8 inci, mungkin Asus Eee Pad Slider dapat menjadi tablet yang portabel.

Harga: Rp5.250.000
Rival: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus

Sistem Operasi: Android Honeycomb 3.1 (bisa pembaruan v3.2)
Dimensi: 273 x 180,3 x 17,3 mm, 960 gram
Layar: 10.1" LED Backlight WXGA (1280x800), multitouch
Memori: 1GB, 16GB/32GB (internal), Unlimited ASUS Web Storage
Konektivitas: WLAN 802.11 b/g/n@2.4GHz, Bluetooth V2.1+EDR, USB 2.0, Mini HDMI, x Audio Jack (Headphone/Mic-In)
Kamera: 1.2 MP (depan), 5 MP (belakang)
Sensor: G-sensor, Light Sensor, Gyroscope
Aplikasi: ASUS Launcher, MyLibrary, MyNet, MyCloud, File manager, Kindle books, Zinio Magazine, PressReader, Polaris Office, ASUS sync
Baterai: 25Wh Li-Polymer Battery
Waktu Siaga: hingga 16 jam (dengan docking station)
Waktu Pakai: hingga 8 jam (memutar video 720p, dengan terang LCD 60).

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