Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist

The answer may shock you. A drama so intense that the entire universe will feel its power is unfolding—yet at the same time, the prospects for world peace and safety have never seemed brighter. Could this be the peace that leads to the end of human history? So many predictions about the end of the world have proved false that even Christians are affected by a what-difference-does-it-make attitude. But someday, while people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, centuries-old prophecies are today's headlines. Is the world on the verge of receiving a new savior who will lead an unsuspecting global community to destruction—or is the Antichrist merely an outdated bit of biblical imagery? Noted researcher and author Dave Hunt provides the solid scriptural outlook on current events that you've been waiting for. Global Peace will give you the answers you need to make sense of world events and awaken your resolve to prepare for what lies ahead.

In this timely reprint of Dave Hunt’s classic 1990 work, the author holds a remarkably steady balance between history and biblical prophecy that has withstood the test of time. The Bible declares that one-world government and universal New Age religion are coming. When we take God’s Word seriously, says noted author and cult expert Dave Hunt, ‘a door swings open to fascinating new insights...provided only that we take into consideration certain factors that most ‘experts’ on the future—both Christian and nonchristian—have overlooked.’ Readers will gain valuable insight for today—and tomorrow—from this fascinating perspective.

Click here and order Now

The answer may shock you. A drama so intense that the entire universe will feel its power is unfolding—yet at the same time, the prospects for world peace and safety have never seemed brighter. Could this be the peace that leads to the end of human history? So many predictions about the end of the world have proved false that even Christians are affected by a what-difference-does-it-make attitude. But someday, while people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, centuries-old prophecies are today's headlines. Is the world on the verge of receiving a new savior who will lead an unsuspecting global community to destruction—or is the Antichrist merely an outdated bit of biblical imagery? Noted researcher and author Dave Hunt provides the solid scriptural outlook on current events that you've been waiting for. Global Peace will give you the answers you need to make sense of world events and awaken your resolve to prepare for what lies ahead.

In this timely reprint of Dave Hunt’s classic 1990 work, the author holds a remarkably steady balance between history and biblical prophecy that has withstood the test of time. The Bible declares that one-world government and universal New Age religion are coming. When we take God’s Word seriously, says noted author and cult expert Dave Hunt, ‘a door swings open to fascinating new insights...provided only that we take into consideration certain factors that most ‘experts’ on the future—both Christian and nonchristian—have overlooked.’ Readers will gain valuable insight for today—and tomorrow—from this fascinating perspective.

Click here and order Now

Judgment Day

The Truth is More Devastating than Fiction In what is possibly the most comprehensive and clear-cut examination of ancient biblical prophecy and modern-day Middle East politics regarding Islam, Israel, and the nations, Judgment Day! is an eye-opening page-turner for scholars, analysts, pastors, professors, politicians, and laypeople alike. 

The Truth is More Devastating than Fiction In what is possibly the most comprehensive and clear-cut examination of ancient biblical prophecy and modern-day Middle East politics regarding Islam, Israel, and the nations, Judgment Day! is an eye-opening page-turner for scholars, analysts, pastors, professors, politicians, and laypeople alike. 

The Single Woman's Sassy Survival Guide: Letting Go and Moving On

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Breaking News: Since this book was released in February, it has become a runaway bestseller and garnered an unprecedented number of five-star reviews. The author is currently on Oprah's LifeClass Tour at the invitation of Ms. Winfrey and her staff.

As we weather the choppy waters we call Life, it’s a decision we will face time and time and time again: Do we cling to a situation that’s taking us under out of fear of letting go of the familiar…or do we open our hand and let go of that friendship, that relationship, that job, that opportunity, or that grievance that we’ve been clinging to, realizing that to flail around uncertainly for a season is all a part of discovering our destiny?

“How do you know so much about letting go and moving on?” You might ask. “What makes you the expert?”

Well, I’m not an expert. Let’s get that straight. I’m not a guru. I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a counselor or a fortune teller or the Great and Powerful Oz.

I am a single woman. Just like you.

Maybe you’re not a single woman – or even a woman. Maybe you’re just someone who needs to release someone or something that’s holding you back from being your best self and living your best life. And that’s okay, too. As I say on my Twitter page and on my website on a regular basis, anyone looking for inspiration and motivation is welcome here. Anyone looking to leave the past behind and shine is welcome here. And anyone who holds out for the best and refuses to settle for less is welcome here. Married, single, female, male, old, young, gay, straight. Come one, come all!

Just like you - I am a friend. A sister. A daughter. An aunt.

I have loved and lost. I have grieved and clung. I have let go and moved on.

Sneakers or stilettos, I’ve been in your shoes…and I know every step of the journey. Perhaps even better than any guru or expert or counselor or fortune teller.

I am the best friend who will tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. I am the big sister with the shoulder to cry on when it seems like the rest of the world has turned away. I hope to be the Cruise Director who guides you full steam ahead through the often choppy and turbulent waters of letting go and moving on directly to the white sandy beach of life AFTER letting go and moving on. Do you see me? I’m waiting for you there, fruity drink with the little umbrella in hand.

So what does this actually look like, this “letting go and moving on” thing? What are the steps? What does it mean? And how do you know when it’s time to throw in the towel…call it a day…and walk away? In “The Single Woman’s Sassy Survival Guide to Letting Go & Moving On,” we’ll cover the five major areas of life that we often find ourselves needing to let go of: Relationships, Friendships, Jobs, Opportunities, and Grievances. How are we going to do it? By examining the five benchmarks for letting go and moving on: the Who, the What, the Why, the When, and the How. At the end of each chapter, we’ll review the Five Fabulous Finds from that section for you to take away as daily affirmations, pick-me-ups, or sassy reminders to get you off of “What Might Have Been” Highway and back on the road to letting go and moving on.

So sit down with your computer, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever other technological device you happen to be reading from and let’s have some good old-fashioned girl talk. Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine…and let’s turn the page and leave the past behind.

Shall we?

About The Author, Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman™.” In less than two years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of over 400,000 people from across the globe.

Recently named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post and a 2011 "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, Mandy is making a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

Click Here and Order Now 

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Breaking News: Since this book was released in February, it has become a runaway bestseller and garnered an unprecedented number of five-star reviews. The author is currently on Oprah's LifeClass Tour at the invitation of Ms. Winfrey and her staff.

As we weather the choppy waters we call Life, it’s a decision we will face time and time and time again: Do we cling to a situation that’s taking us under out of fear of letting go of the familiar…or do we open our hand and let go of that friendship, that relationship, that job, that opportunity, or that grievance that we’ve been clinging to, realizing that to flail around uncertainly for a season is all a part of discovering our destiny?

“How do you know so much about letting go and moving on?” You might ask. “What makes you the expert?”

Well, I’m not an expert. Let’s get that straight. I’m not a guru. I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a counselor or a fortune teller or the Great and Powerful Oz.

I am a single woman. Just like you.

Maybe you’re not a single woman – or even a woman. Maybe you’re just someone who needs to release someone or something that’s holding you back from being your best self and living your best life. And that’s okay, too. As I say on my Twitter page and on my website on a regular basis, anyone looking for inspiration and motivation is welcome here. Anyone looking to leave the past behind and shine is welcome here. And anyone who holds out for the best and refuses to settle for less is welcome here. Married, single, female, male, old, young, gay, straight. Come one, come all!

Just like you - I am a friend. A sister. A daughter. An aunt.

I have loved and lost. I have grieved and clung. I have let go and moved on.

Sneakers or stilettos, I’ve been in your shoes…and I know every step of the journey. Perhaps even better than any guru or expert or counselor or fortune teller.

I am the best friend who will tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear. I am the big sister with the shoulder to cry on when it seems like the rest of the world has turned away. I hope to be the Cruise Director who guides you full steam ahead through the often choppy and turbulent waters of letting go and moving on directly to the white sandy beach of life AFTER letting go and moving on. Do you see me? I’m waiting for you there, fruity drink with the little umbrella in hand.

So what does this actually look like, this “letting go and moving on” thing? What are the steps? What does it mean? And how do you know when it’s time to throw in the towel…call it a day…and walk away? In “The Single Woman’s Sassy Survival Guide to Letting Go & Moving On,” we’ll cover the five major areas of life that we often find ourselves needing to let go of: Relationships, Friendships, Jobs, Opportunities, and Grievances. How are we going to do it? By examining the five benchmarks for letting go and moving on: the Who, the What, the Why, the When, and the How. At the end of each chapter, we’ll review the Five Fabulous Finds from that section for you to take away as daily affirmations, pick-me-ups, or sassy reminders to get you off of “What Might Have Been” Highway and back on the road to letting go and moving on.

So sit down with your computer, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever other technological device you happen to be reading from and let’s have some good old-fashioned girl talk. Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine…and let’s turn the page and leave the past behind.

Shall we?

About The Author, Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman™.” In less than two years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of over 400,000 people from across the globe.

Recently named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post and a 2011 "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, Mandy is making a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

Click Here and Order Now 

The Hunger Games [Kindle Edition]

Review: Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101

Petinggi Apple, Tim Cook sempat terganggu ketika pertanyaan soal penggabungan produk tablet dan notebook dilayangkan kepadanya. Pasalnya, model ini sudah diterapkan pesaing Apple, Asus.
Mari mengenal produk Asus yang banyak dinilai analis teknologi sebagai terobosan menjanjikan. Setelah Asus Transformer, Asus merilis Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101. Tablet dengan layar 10.1 inci ditempelkan keyboard fisik ala notebook. Sentuh, slide, dan ketik menjadi keunggulan  SL101.


Dari segi bentuk, Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101 memberikan kesegaran. Anda tidak perlu lagi membeli dan memasang keyboard tambahan seperti pada Asus Transformer.

Keyboard penuh layaknya notebook biasa ini nyaman untuk pengetikan teks yang panjang. Ukuran tombolnya tepat sehingga menyisakan ruang gerak jari yang lega. Kendati kurang menyisakan ruang istirahat untuk tangan.
Asus Eee Pad Slider Tampak Belakang


SL101 terlihat kompak. Tapi, layar 10.1 inci terlalu besar untuk mobilitas kerja. Ditambah bobot 960 gram yang kurang nyaman untuk ditopang satu tangan saat di jalan. Ukuran layar pun terlalu besar untuk dapat dinikmati dalam posisi vertikal. Penggabungan tablet dan notebook ini malah menyulitkan mobilitas dan penggunaan.

Di luar tujuannya untuk mobilitas, SL101 lebih nyaman digunakan bekerja saat di kantor atau rumah. Layar yang disangga agar miring ini nyaman dipandang dalam posisi duduk tegak.

Aplikasi Polaris Office disiapkan untuk produktivitas mobile. Anda dapat mengedit tugas kantor dalam perjalanan. Asus menyediakan Webstorage untuk penyimpanan dokumen unlimited selama satu tahun. Anda dapat berbagi data dengan mudah. Masih ditambah dengan solusi komputasi awan MyCloud.


Layar 10.1 inci baru terasa tepat saat menikmati hiburan video. SL101 menyimpan kekuatan CPU dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2.1.0GHz yang mendukung pemutaran video 1080p dengan mulus. Port miniHDMI dapat menghubungkan tablet dengan TV.

Anda dapat pula menjalankan multi-tasking untuk melompat ke aplikasi lain dengan menekan tombol sentuh menu pada sistem operasi Android 3.1.

Speaker dengan Supreme SRS Sound memberikan dentuman bass yang bulat. Dengan port USB berukuran penuh, Anda dapat memutar video yang disimpan di flashdisk atau hard disk eksternal.

Panel IPS dibuat dari kaca Corning Gorilla yang tangguh dan anti-gores. Sudut penglihatan hingga 178 derajat dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menonton bersama. Warna-warni film animasi terlihat cerah di sini.


Selain dari bobot dan ukuran layar, SL101 menyimpan kekurangan lain. Kamera SL101 memiliki kualitas yang buruk. Kamera 5 MP terdengar menjanjikan. Tapi, bukan untuk kemampuan pada pencahayaan minim. Hasil foto pada malam hari diwarnai dengan bintik-bintik noise yang mengganggu. Detail foto pun terlihat kurang tajam. Apalagi tanpa bantuan LED flash, memotret pada malam hari hanya menghasilkan foto yang kurang indah untuk diunggah ke Instagram.

Keyboard fisik belum menjadi solusi terbaik pada SL101. Ruang gerak mengetik masih terasa janggal. Ditambah bobot yang relatif berat untuk tablet malah menjadi kurang kompak. Apabila ukuran layar dipangkas menjadi 7-8 inci, mungkin Asus Eee Pad Slider dapat menjadi tablet yang portabel.

Harga: Rp5.250.000
Rival: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus

Sistem Operasi: Android Honeycomb 3.1 (bisa pembaruan v3.2)
Dimensi: 273 x 180,3 x 17,3 mm, 960 gram
Layar: 10.1" LED Backlight WXGA (1280x800), multitouch
Memori: 1GB, 16GB/32GB (internal), Unlimited ASUS Web Storage
Konektivitas: WLAN 802.11 b/g/n@2.4GHz, Bluetooth V2.1+EDR, USB 2.0, Mini HDMI, x Audio Jack (Headphone/Mic-In)
Kamera: 1.2 MP (depan), 5 MP (belakang)
Sensor: G-sensor, Light Sensor, Gyroscope
Aplikasi: ASUS Launcher, MyLibrary, MyNet, MyCloud, File manager, Kindle books, Zinio Magazine, PressReader, Polaris Office, ASUS sync
Baterai: 25Wh Li-Polymer Battery
Waktu Siaga: hingga 16 jam (dengan docking station)
Waktu Pakai: hingga 8 jam (memutar video 720p, dengan terang LCD 60).

Petinggi Apple, Tim Cook sempat terganggu ketika pertanyaan soal penggabungan produk tablet dan notebook dilayangkan kepadanya. Pasalnya, model ini sudah diterapkan pesaing Apple, Asus.
Mari mengenal produk Asus yang banyak dinilai analis teknologi sebagai terobosan menjanjikan. Setelah Asus Transformer, Asus merilis Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101. Tablet dengan layar 10.1 inci ditempelkan keyboard fisik ala notebook. Sentuh, slide, dan ketik menjadi keunggulan  SL101.


Dari segi bentuk, Asus Eee Pad Slider SL101 memberikan kesegaran. Anda tidak perlu lagi membeli dan memasang keyboard tambahan seperti pada Asus Transformer.

Keyboard penuh layaknya notebook biasa ini nyaman untuk pengetikan teks yang panjang. Ukuran tombolnya tepat sehingga menyisakan ruang gerak jari yang lega. Kendati kurang menyisakan ruang istirahat untuk tangan.
Asus Eee Pad Slider Tampak Belakang


SL101 terlihat kompak. Tapi, layar 10.1 inci terlalu besar untuk mobilitas kerja. Ditambah bobot 960 gram yang kurang nyaman untuk ditopang satu tangan saat di jalan. Ukuran layar pun terlalu besar untuk dapat dinikmati dalam posisi vertikal. Penggabungan tablet dan notebook ini malah menyulitkan mobilitas dan penggunaan.

Di luar tujuannya untuk mobilitas, SL101 lebih nyaman digunakan bekerja saat di kantor atau rumah. Layar yang disangga agar miring ini nyaman dipandang dalam posisi duduk tegak.

Aplikasi Polaris Office disiapkan untuk produktivitas mobile. Anda dapat mengedit tugas kantor dalam perjalanan. Asus menyediakan Webstorage untuk penyimpanan dokumen unlimited selama satu tahun. Anda dapat berbagi data dengan mudah. Masih ditambah dengan solusi komputasi awan MyCloud.


Layar 10.1 inci baru terasa tepat saat menikmati hiburan video. SL101 menyimpan kekuatan CPU dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2.1.0GHz yang mendukung pemutaran video 1080p dengan mulus. Port miniHDMI dapat menghubungkan tablet dengan TV.

Anda dapat pula menjalankan multi-tasking untuk melompat ke aplikasi lain dengan menekan tombol sentuh menu pada sistem operasi Android 3.1.

Speaker dengan Supreme SRS Sound memberikan dentuman bass yang bulat. Dengan port USB berukuran penuh, Anda dapat memutar video yang disimpan di flashdisk atau hard disk eksternal.

Panel IPS dibuat dari kaca Corning Gorilla yang tangguh dan anti-gores. Sudut penglihatan hingga 178 derajat dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menonton bersama. Warna-warni film animasi terlihat cerah di sini.


Selain dari bobot dan ukuran layar, SL101 menyimpan kekurangan lain. Kamera SL101 memiliki kualitas yang buruk. Kamera 5 MP terdengar menjanjikan. Tapi, bukan untuk kemampuan pada pencahayaan minim. Hasil foto pada malam hari diwarnai dengan bintik-bintik noise yang mengganggu. Detail foto pun terlihat kurang tajam. Apalagi tanpa bantuan LED flash, memotret pada malam hari hanya menghasilkan foto yang kurang indah untuk diunggah ke Instagram.

Keyboard fisik belum menjadi solusi terbaik pada SL101. Ruang gerak mengetik masih terasa janggal. Ditambah bobot yang relatif berat untuk tablet malah menjadi kurang kompak. Apabila ukuran layar dipangkas menjadi 7-8 inci, mungkin Asus Eee Pad Slider dapat menjadi tablet yang portabel.

Harga: Rp5.250.000
Rival: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus

Sistem Operasi: Android Honeycomb 3.1 (bisa pembaruan v3.2)
Dimensi: 273 x 180,3 x 17,3 mm, 960 gram
Layar: 10.1" LED Backlight WXGA (1280x800), multitouch
Memori: 1GB, 16GB/32GB (internal), Unlimited ASUS Web Storage
Konektivitas: WLAN 802.11 b/g/n@2.4GHz, Bluetooth V2.1+EDR, USB 2.0, Mini HDMI, x Audio Jack (Headphone/Mic-In)
Kamera: 1.2 MP (depan), 5 MP (belakang)
Sensor: G-sensor, Light Sensor, Gyroscope
Aplikasi: ASUS Launcher, MyLibrary, MyNet, MyCloud, File manager, Kindle books, Zinio Magazine, PressReader, Polaris Office, ASUS sync
Baterai: 25Wh Li-Polymer Battery
Waktu Siaga: hingga 16 jam (dengan docking station)
Waktu Pakai: hingga 8 jam (memutar video 720p, dengan terang LCD 60).


Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7-Inch, Wi-Fi)

Product Overview

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) OS
7-inch Multitouch 720p HD Screen (1024 x 600)
8GB Internal Memory; microSD expansion up to 32GB
Wireless N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n); Bluetooth 3.0
1GHz Dual-Core Processor; 1GB RAM

Technical Details

  • Processor: 1 GHz Intel Core Duo
  • Number of Processors: 2
  • RAM: 1000 MB
  • RAM Type: DDR2 SDRAM
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB Serial ATA

click here and order 

Product Overview

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) OS
7-inch Multitouch 720p HD Screen (1024 x 600)
8GB Internal Memory; microSD expansion up to 32GB
Wireless N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n); Bluetooth 3.0
1GHz Dual-Core Processor; 1GB RAM

Technical Details

  • Processor: 1 GHz Intel Core Duo
  • Number of Processors: 2
  • RAM: 1000 MB
  • RAM Type: DDR2 SDRAM
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB Serial ATA

click here and order 

Transcend 32 GB Class 10 SDHC Flash Memory Card TS32GSDHC10E

Technical Details

  • Lifetime warranty, the data storage solution you can trust
  • Perfect for vast amounts of HD video and high-resolution images
  • Compatible with all SDHC-labeled host devices (not compatible with standard SD)
  • Built-in error correction(ECC) automatically detects and fixes transfer errors
Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
This item is delivered in an easy-to-open recyclable box and is free of plastic "clamshells" and wire ties.

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 4 x 0.2 inches ; 0.5 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces
  • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
  • ASIN: B003VNKNF0
  • Item model number: TS32GSDHC10E

Technical Details

  • Lifetime warranty, the data storage solution you can trust
  • Perfect for vast amounts of HD video and high-resolution images
  • Compatible with all SDHC-labeled host devices (not compatible with standard SD)
  • Built-in error correction(ECC) automatically detects and fixes transfer errors
Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
This item is delivered in an easy-to-open recyclable box and is free of plastic "clamshells" and wire ties.

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 4 x 0.2 inches ; 0.5 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces
  • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
  • ASIN: B003VNKNF0
  • Item model number: TS32GSDHC10E

Yamaha YHT-S400BL Home Theater System

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 2.8 x 31.5 x 2 inches ; 3.4 pounds
  • Shipping Weight: 30 pounds
  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
  • Shipping Advisory: This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply.
  • ASIN: B002ZG7WIA
  • Item model number: YHT-S400BL
  • Batteries: 2 AAA batteries required. (included)
Buy now

    Product Details

    • Product Dimensions: 2.8 x 31.5 x 2 inches ; 3.4 pounds
    • Shipping Weight: 30 pounds
    • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
    • Shipping Advisory: This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply.
    • ASIN: B002ZG7WIA
    • Item model number: YHT-S400BL
    • Batteries: 2 AAA batteries required. (included)
    Buy now

      Acer Aspire One AO722-0473 11.6-Inch HD Netbook (Espresso Black)



      Technical Details

      Color: Espresso Black
      • AMD C Series Processor 1GHz
      • 2GB DDR3 RAM
      • 320GB 5400RPM Hard Drive
      • 11.6-Inch Screen, AMD Radeon HD 6290
      • Windows 7 Home Premium, 7 hours Battery Life

      Product Details

      • Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 11.2 x 1 inches ; 3.2 pounds
      • Shipping Weight: 5.1 pounds
      • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
      • ASIN: B005J2E2US
      • Item model number: AO722-0473
      • Average Customer Review:



      Technical Details

      Color: Espresso Black
      • AMD C Series Processor 1GHz
      • 2GB DDR3 RAM
      • 320GB 5400RPM Hard Drive
      • 11.6-Inch Screen, AMD Radeon HD 6290
      • Windows 7 Home Premium, 7 hours Battery Life

      Product Details

      • Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 11.2 x 1 inches ; 3.2 pounds
      • Shipping Weight: 5.1 pounds
      • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
      • ASIN: B005J2E2US
      • Item model number: AO722-0473
      • Average Customer Review:

      X-Treme Scooters X-600 High Performance Electric Scooter

      Scooter Specifications:
      • Design: Stand up; optional sit down seat kit included
      • Frame: High tensile steel (good for jumping)
      • Deck: ABS--Resin-QR
      • Handlebars: 20-inch billet aluminum racing bars
      • Forks: Polished steel shocks
      • Wheel type: Aluminum mag wheels (oversize tires)
      • Tire size: 10 inches
      • Speed: 23-plus miles per hour (depending on rider weight and terrain)
      • Distance per charge: 10-plus miles (depending on rider weight and terrain)
      • Braking system: Front vented disk and rear drum brakes
      • Drive system: Chain
      • Suspension system: Front and rear suspension system
      • Throttle type: Variable speed control
      • Controller: Heavy duty (36 Amp)
      • Optional seat kit included
      • Spring loaded seat: Yes
      • Tool kit
      • Kickstand welded to frame
      • Foldable: Folds and locks in folded position
      Size Specifications:
      • Height: 42 inches to handlebars (seat height adjustable)
      • Length: 44
      • Tire size: 10 inches
      • Weight: 75 pounds
      • Maximum weight capacity: 330 pounds
      Power/Battery Specifications:
      • Power: Electric
      • Watts: 600
      • Amps: 36-plus
      • Volts: 36
      • Batteries: Three 12 volt 12 Amp full-size batteries
      • Charger: Smart charger included
      What's in the Box?
      High Performance Electric Scooter, charger, tool kit
      Manufacturer Warranty
      High Performance Electric Scooter: 90-day X-Treme warranty; Battery: 6-month warranty

      Product Description

      The power of the XB-600 electric bicycle comes standard with a large 600 watt brushless rear hub motor (installed in the center of the rear wheel) that is powered by 4 large high power batteries (20 AMPS each battery - The Largest Battery We Offer) that will last 3 years or more & can be re-charged more than 500 times.

      Scooter Specifications:
      • Design: Stand up; optional sit down seat kit included
      • Frame: High tensile steel (good for jumping)
      • Deck: ABS--Resin-QR
      • Handlebars: 20-inch billet aluminum racing bars
      • Forks: Polished steel shocks
      • Wheel type: Aluminum mag wheels (oversize tires)
      • Tire size: 10 inches
      • Speed: 23-plus miles per hour (depending on rider weight and terrain)
      • Distance per charge: 10-plus miles (depending on rider weight and terrain)
      • Braking system: Front vented disk and rear drum brakes
      • Drive system: Chain
      • Suspension system: Front and rear suspension system
      • Throttle type: Variable speed control
      • Controller: Heavy duty (36 Amp)
      • Optional seat kit included
      • Spring loaded seat: Yes
      • Tool kit
      • Kickstand welded to frame
      • Foldable: Folds and locks in folded position
      Size Specifications:
      • Height: 42 inches to handlebars (seat height adjustable)
      • Length: 44
      • Tire size: 10 inches
      • Weight: 75 pounds
      • Maximum weight capacity: 330 pounds
      Power/Battery Specifications:
      • Power: Electric
      • Watts: 600
      • Amps: 36-plus
      • Volts: 36
      • Batteries: Three 12 volt 12 Amp full-size batteries
      • Charger: Smart charger included
      What's in the Box?
      High Performance Electric Scooter, charger, tool kit
      Manufacturer Warranty
      High Performance Electric Scooter: 90-day X-Treme warranty; Battery: 6-month warranty

      Product Description

      The power of the XB-600 electric bicycle comes standard with a large 600 watt brushless rear hub motor (installed in the center of the rear wheel) that is powered by 4 large high power batteries (20 AMPS each battery - The Largest Battery We Offer) that will last 3 years or more & can be re-charged more than 500 times.

      Samsung Galaxy Tab (10.1-Inch, 16GB, Wi-Fi)

      Technical Details

      Size Name: 16GB
      • Android Honeycomb 3.1
      • Dual Core Tegra 2 processor, 1GB RAM
      • Wi-FiTM, 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4GHz, 5GHz
      • Memory Capacity: 16GB
      • Display: 10.1" WXGA (1280x800)
        See more technical details

      Product Details

      • Product Dimensions: 0.3 x 6.9 x 10.1 inches ; 1.2 pounds
      • Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds
      • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
      • ASIN: B00519RW1U
      • Item model number: GT-P7510MAYXAB
      • Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (532 customer reviews)
      • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14 in Computers & Accessories (See Top 100 in Computers & Accessories)
        • #7 in Electronics > Computers & Add-Ons > Tablets

      Technical Details

      Size Name: 16GB
      • Android Honeycomb 3.1
      • Dual Core Tegra 2 processor, 1GB RAM
      • Wi-FiTM, 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4GHz, 5GHz
      • Memory Capacity: 16GB
      • Display: 10.1" WXGA (1280x800)
        See more technical details

      Product Details

      • Product Dimensions: 0.3 x 6.9 x 10.1 inches ; 1.2 pounds
      • Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds
      • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
      • ASIN: B00519RW1U
      • Item model number: GT-P7510MAYXAB
      • Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (532 customer reviews)
      • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14 in Computers & Accessories (See Top 100 in Computers & Accessories)
        • #7 in Electronics > Computers & Add-Ons > Tablets

      Comfort Classics Microfiber Quilted Fiber Bed, White

      Product Features

      Size: Queen
      • Rejuvenates a tired mattress
      • Diamond quilted for added support
      • Down alternative fibers for comfort
      • Hypo-allergenic

      Product Features

      Size: Queen
      • Rejuvenates a tired mattress
      • Diamond quilted for added support
      • Down alternative fibers for comfort
      • Hypo-allergenic

      Comfort Classic All Seasons Plush Top Fiberbed, White

      Product Features

      Size: Twin XL
      • Soft luxurious plush top
      • Filled with down alternative fibers
      • Sewn through constuction to keep fibers in place
      • Rejuvenates a tired mattress

      Product Features

      Size: Twin XL
      • Soft luxurious plush top
      • Filled with down alternative fibers
      • Sewn through constuction to keep fibers in place
      • Rejuvenates a tired mattress

      Windows 7

      System Requirements

      • Platform:   Windows
      • Media: DVD-ROM
      • Item Quantity: 1

      System Requirements

      • Platform:   Windows
      • Media: DVD-ROM
      • Item Quantity: 1

      110cc Four Wheelers 6" Tires Atvs, Red


      Product Features

      • Single Cylinder,4 stroke 110cc, Air-cooled Engine
      • Automatic Transmission
      • Front/Rear Tires 145/70-6
      • Rear Hydraulic Disc Brake
      • Remote Control Shut Off, Speed Restrictor(Governor)

      Product Features

      • Single Cylinder,4 stroke 110cc, Air-cooled Engine
      • Automatic Transmission
      • Front/Rear Tires 145/70-6
      • Rear Hydraulic Disc Brake
      • Remote Control Shut Off, Speed Restrictor(Governor)

      Aviator Sunglasses Silver Frame Mirror Lens

      In Stock.

      • plastic
      • polycarbonate lens
      • monoblock spring hinge
      • 30 day satisfaction guarantee

      In Stock.

      • plastic
      • polycarbonate lens
      • monoblock spring hinge
      • 30 day satisfaction guarantee

      crocs Unisex Baya Clog

      Product Description Product Description

      The Baya is a cool update on classic crocs style. Branded cutouts offer a hip look and added breathability, while the brand's famous footbed stimulates circulation to provide the utmost in comfort.

      From the Manufacturer

      Crocs, Inc. is a rapidly growing designer, manufacturer and retailer of footwear for men, women and children under the Crocs brand. All Crocs brand shoes feature Crocs' proprietary closed-cell resin, Croslite, which represents a substantial innovation in footwear. The Croslite material enables Crocs to produce soft, comfortable, lightweight, superior-gripping, non-marking and odor-resistant shoes. These unique elements make Crocs ideal for casual wear, as well as for professional and recreational uses such as boating, hiking, hospitality and gardening. The versatile use of the material has enabled Crocs to successfully market its products to a broad range of consumers.

      Click Price Here and Order

      Product Description Product Description

      The Baya is a cool update on classic crocs style. Branded cutouts offer a hip look and added breathability, while the brand's famous footbed stimulates circulation to provide the utmost in comfort.

      From the Manufacturer

      Crocs, Inc. is a rapidly growing designer, manufacturer and retailer of footwear for men, women and children under the Crocs brand. All Crocs brand shoes feature Crocs' proprietary closed-cell resin, Croslite, which represents a substantial innovation in footwear. The Croslite material enables Crocs to produce soft, comfortable, lightweight, superior-gripping, non-marking and odor-resistant shoes. These unique elements make Crocs ideal for casual wear, as well as for professional and recreational uses such as boating, hiking, hospitality and gardening. The versatile use of the material has enabled Crocs to successfully market its products to a broad range of consumers.

      Click Price Here and Order

      crocs Unisex Specialist Clog

 Product Description

      Designed to keep you comfortable at work, this Specialist clog from crocs features added coverage at the heel to meet workplace standards, while the vamp is crafted from extra dense material to better protect your foot. This shoe also includes the brand's massaging footbed that you've come to love.

      Product Description

      This Croc Work Men / Women Specialist Clog will not take the day off when it comes to providing your feet with uncompromising comfort throughout your day. This clog features Crocs Lock tread which is slip-resistant under wet, dry, soapy, oily and greasy conditions through independent lap test by the American Podiatry Association (APMA) to make sure your steps are steady and stable. The ergonomic footbed reduces leg and back stress while the circulating nubs stimulate blood flow, while the loose fit enables your foot to move naturally. This clog is made from odor-resistant and antimicrobial Croslite to make sure your feet stay fresh and healthy.

 Product Description

      Designed to keep you comfortable at work, this Specialist clog from crocs features added coverage at the heel to meet workplace standards, while the vamp is crafted from extra dense material to better protect your foot. This shoe also includes the brand's massaging footbed that you've come to love.

      Product Description

      This Croc Work Men / Women Specialist Clog will not take the day off when it comes to providing your feet with uncompromising comfort throughout your day. This clog features Crocs Lock tread which is slip-resistant under wet, dry, soapy, oily and greasy conditions through independent lap test by the American Podiatry Association (APMA) to make sure your steps are steady and stable. The ergonomic footbed reduces leg and back stress while the circulating nubs stimulate blood flow, while the loose fit enables your foot to move naturally. This clog is made from odor-resistant and antimicrobial Croslite to make sure your feet stay fresh and healthy.

      Crocs Unisex's Classic Clog

      Product Description Product Description

      Cayman sandal? Why limit yourself? Sure, this clog from crocs has a ventilated upper and a traction outsole to make it a top wet-dry performer--perfect for the beach--but we can think of a zillion other places you'll want to wear it.

      Product Description

      These clogs are a closed cell resin which is anti-microbial by nature and resists odor, making these perfect barefoot shoes. A combination of material and design makes the shoe slip resistant. Strategically placed ventilation holes allow water, sand and air to travel through the footwear. Heel strap can be rolled forward for a slip on clog shoe or keep it back for a heel strap. Arch support is built in, making these all day shoes. Non marking outsole.

      Product Description Product Description

      Cayman sandal? Why limit yourself? Sure, this clog from crocs has a ventilated upper and a traction outsole to make it a top wet-dry performer--perfect for the beach--but we can think of a zillion other places you'll want to wear it.

      Product Description

      These clogs are a closed cell resin which is anti-microbial by nature and resists odor, making these perfect barefoot shoes. A combination of material and design makes the shoe slip resistant. Strategically placed ventilation holes allow water, sand and air to travel through the footwear. Heel strap can be rolled forward for a slip on clog shoe or keep it back for a heel strap. Arch support is built in, making these all day shoes. Non marking outsole.

      The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts [Kindle Edition

      Editorial Reviews

      Product Description

      Marriage should be based on love, right' But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages' #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their s

      About the Author

      GARY CHAPMAN, PhD, is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling The 5 Love Languages. With over 30 years of counseling experience, he has the uncanny ability to hold a mirror up to human behavior, showing readers not just where they go wrong, but also how to grow and move forward. Dr. Chapman holds BA and MA degrees in anthropology from Wheaton College and Wake Forest University, respectively, MRE and PhD degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has completed postgraduate work at the University of North Carolina and Duke University. For more information visit his website at

      Product Details

      • File Size: 622 KB
      • Print Length: 209 pages
      • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0802473156
      • Publisher: Northfield Publishing; 1 edition (December 17, 2009)
      • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
      • Language: English
      • ASIN: B0032CVAQQ
      • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
      • Lending: Enabled

      Click Here to Order and Check Price

        Editorial Reviews

        Product Description

        Marriage should be based on love, right' But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages' #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their s

        About the Author

        GARY CHAPMAN, PhD, is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling The 5 Love Languages. With over 30 years of counseling experience, he has the uncanny ability to hold a mirror up to human behavior, showing readers not just where they go wrong, but also how to grow and move forward. Dr. Chapman holds BA and MA degrees in anthropology from Wheaton College and Wake Forest University, respectively, MRE and PhD degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has completed postgraduate work at the University of North Carolina and Duke University. For more information visit his website at

        Product Details

        • File Size: 622 KB
        • Print Length: 209 pages
        • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0802473156
        • Publisher: Northfield Publishing; 1 edition (December 17, 2009)
        • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
        • Language: English
        • ASIN: B0032CVAQQ
        • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
        • Lending: Enabled

        Click Here to Order and Check Price

          Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man [Kindle Edition]

          Editorial Reviews

          From Publishers Weekly

          As a popular comedian, radio host and red-blooded male, Harvey doesn't have the bona fides typical to most women's relationship self-help, but he still manages a thorough, witty guide to the modern man. Harvey undertakes the tast because "Women are clueless about men," because "Men get away with a whole lot of stuff" and because he has "some valuable information to change all of that." Harvey makes a game effort, taking a bold but familiar men-are-dogs approach: if you're "cutting back" on sex, "he will have another woman lined up and waiting to give him what he needs and wants--the cookie." Several chapters later, however, he introduces the "ninety-day rule," asserting that, actually, he won't always have another woman lined up--and the only way to makes sure is a three-month vetting period. Harvey also tackles mama's boys, "independent--and lonely--women," and the matter of children in the dating world ("If he's meeting the kids after you decide he's the one, it's too late"). Feminists and the easily offended probably won't take to Harvey's blanket statements and blunt advice, but Harvey's fans and those in need of tough (but ticklish) love advice should check it out (especially the hysterical last-chapter Q&A).
          Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


          “Women should listen to Steve Harvey when it comes to what a good man is about. Steve Harvey dispenses a lot of fabulous information about men. It’s more than the average man will usually tell you. Steve Harvey will give it up.”

          Click Here To Order and Check Price

          Editorial Reviews

          From Publishers Weekly

          As a popular comedian, radio host and red-blooded male, Harvey doesn't have the bona fides typical to most women's relationship self-help, but he still manages a thorough, witty guide to the modern man. Harvey undertakes the tast because "Women are clueless about men," because "Men get away with a whole lot of stuff" and because he has "some valuable information to change all of that." Harvey makes a game effort, taking a bold but familiar men-are-dogs approach: if you're "cutting back" on sex, "he will have another woman lined up and waiting to give him what he needs and wants--the cookie." Several chapters later, however, he introduces the "ninety-day rule," asserting that, actually, he won't always have another woman lined up--and the only way to makes sure is a three-month vetting period. Harvey also tackles mama's boys, "independent--and lonely--women," and the matter of children in the dating world ("If he's meeting the kids after you decide he's the one, it's too late"). Feminists and the easily offended probably won't take to Harvey's blanket statements and blunt advice, but Harvey's fans and those in need of tough (but ticklish) love advice should check it out (especially the hysterical last-chapter Q&A).
          Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


          “Women should listen to Steve Harvey when it comes to what a good man is about. Steve Harvey dispenses a lot of fabulous information about men. It’s more than the average man will usually tell you. Steve Harvey will give it up.”

          Click Here To Order and Check Price

          Lord of the Rings Style Highly Polished Gold P Tungsten Ring in 7mm Sizes Available 4-15.5 (4)

          Product Specifications
          Jewelry Information
          Metal Tungsten Carbide
          Material Tungsten Carbide with Gold Plated 18k
          Ring size 4
          Stone Information
          Inscription WITH ELVISH INSCRIPTION on both sides of the band.

          Product Specifications
          Jewelry Information
          Metal Tungsten Carbide
          Material Tungsten Carbide with Gold Plated 18k
          Ring size 4
          Stone Information
          Inscription WITH ELVISH INSCRIPTION on both sides of the band.

          Brother CS6000i Sew Advance Sew Affordable 60-Stitch Computerized Free-Arm Sewing Machine

          Product Features

          • Free-arm computerized sewing machine; with 60 stitch functions, 7 styles of 1-step buttonholes, and variety of snap-on presser feet
          • Computerized stitch selection on LCD screen; with auto threading, tension control dial, and auto-set drop-in bobbin
          • 110-volt machine operated with either foot pedal or 1-touch button for start, stop, and reverse stitching; dual LED light
          • Accessories include wide table accessory for quilting and more; hard cover case protects in storage
          • Machine measures 9-3/4 inches wide by 9-3/5 inches deep by 12-1/2 inches high; limited 25-year warranty

          Product Features

          • Free-arm computerized sewing machine; with 60 stitch functions, 7 styles of 1-step buttonholes, and variety of snap-on presser feet
          • Computerized stitch selection on LCD screen; with auto threading, tension control dial, and auto-set drop-in bobbin
          • 110-volt machine operated with either foot pedal or 1-touch button for start, stop, and reverse stitching; dual LED light
          • Accessories include wide table accessory for quilting and more; hard cover case protects in storage
          • Machine measures 9-3/4 inches wide by 9-3/5 inches deep by 12-1/2 inches high; limited 25-year warranty

          Danby DCF401W CHEST FREEZER DCF401W

          Product Specifications
          Brand NameDanby
          Model InfoDCF401W
          Part Number DCF401W
          Item Dimensions
          Weight85 Pounds
          Depth22 inches
          Width24.88 inches
          Height32.88 inches

          Product Description

          The Danby freezer has a 3. 6 cu. Ft. Capacity (101. 9 litres) has Approx. 122 lb. (55. 3 kg) freezing capacity, High Density CFC reduced foam insulated cabinet and lid, Energy efficient and environment friendly, In-wall Condenser for easy clean maintenance. Rounded Lid Design for modern styling, Metal Cabinet with clean lines compliments any area of the home, Rust Resistant Interior for long lasting durability, Defrost Drain for easy to clean interior, Front Mount Thermostat for easy access Temperature control, Rear Castors for ease of positioning, Color Carton, Power Warning Light, and a Freezer Drain. The freezer dimensions are 24 7/8 x 22 x 32 7/8.

          Product Specifications
          Brand NameDanby
          Model InfoDCF401W
          Part Number DCF401W
          Item Dimensions
          Weight85 Pounds
          Depth22 inches
          Width24.88 inches
          Height32.88 inches

          Product Description

          The Danby freezer has a 3. 6 cu. Ft. Capacity (101. 9 litres) has Approx. 122 lb. (55. 3 kg) freezing capacity, High Density CFC reduced foam insulated cabinet and lid, Energy efficient and environment friendly, In-wall Condenser for easy clean maintenance. Rounded Lid Design for modern styling, Metal Cabinet with clean lines compliments any area of the home, Rust Resistant Interior for long lasting durability, Defrost Drain for easy to clean interior, Front Mount Thermostat for easy access Temperature control, Rear Castors for ease of positioning, Color Carton, Power Warning Light, and a Freezer Drain. The freezer dimensions are 24 7/8 x 22 x 32 7/8.

          Savoy House 54-471-5FB-250 Zephyr 54-Inch Ceiling Fan, Mercury Black Finish with Flat Black Blades and White Glass Light

          Product Specifications
          Part Number 54-471-5FB-250
          ColorMercury Black
          Wattage75 watts
          Item Package Quantity1
          Item Dimensions
          Weight12 Pounds
          Height18.50 inches

          Technical Details

          • 18.5 inches high from the ceiling to the bottom of the light
          • Includes one 75-watt G9 halogen bulb
          • Mercury Black finish with Flat Black blades and White glass light
          • UL Listed for a dry location
          • Contemporary or Transitional

          Product Description

          From the Manufacturer

          The Savoy House 54-471-5FB-250 Zephyr 54-Inch Ceiling Fan is as ambiguous as its name implies. One of the definitions of Zephyr is that it’s any light refreshing wind, or a gentle breeze. This ceiling fan is a refreshing revised version of the basic traditional, and would update your home easily with its graceful lines, for many lifestyles. You could use it in your entry for a rejuvenating feel with the modern design, or in a dining room in place of the traditional chandelier for the added benefit of air movement and the glow of the light as a focal point with its contemporary style. The 54-471-5FB-250 has a 54 inch blade span and a 14 degree blade pitch. This fan has a 188mm x 15mm motor and is a three speed reversible motor which uses only 71.6 watts of electricity on high speed. The 54-471-5FB-250 pushes 5334 cubic feet per minute and 74 cubic feet per minute per watt. This item is sold one per package and comes complete with five flat black blades, one 8-inch finish downrod, light kit, and the WLC300 wall control for ease of operation if higher ceilings are an issue, or if you just desire the convenience. An RMT001 hand-held remote control is compatible with this ceiling fan, also, and can be purchased separately. This fan is not compatible for any kit that will make it into a flush mount ceiling fan. In any installation, the tips of the blades must be at least 18 inches from the wall in order to provide sufficient clearance for the blades; and for safety reasons, the fan blades must be a minimum of 7-feet above the floor. Savoy House has focused its effort on looking for the perfection of its fixtures, through which it always has relied on the best designers, on the most demanding control of quality on manufacture process, as well as on the aid of the most expert consultants in decoration. When classic design and superb craftsmanship are united in a single work, the result is an item of enduring beauty, a treasure that transcends the current fad or fashion.

          Product Description

          The Savoy House Fan 54-471-5FB-250 is a Zephyr Ceiling Fan with the RMT006 - 3-Speed Fan, Reversing & Up/Downlight Dimmer Remote Control in the Mercury Black motor finish. This Fan is from the Zephyr Collection and is UL Indoor rated. The Zephyr Includes 8" (1/2" Interior Diameter) Pole.

          Product Specifications
          Part Number 54-471-5FB-250
          ColorMercury Black
          Wattage75 watts
          Item Package Quantity1
          Item Dimensions
          Weight12 Pounds
          Height18.50 inches

          Technical Details

          • 18.5 inches high from the ceiling to the bottom of the light
          • Includes one 75-watt G9 halogen bulb
          • Mercury Black finish with Flat Black blades and White glass light
          • UL Listed for a dry location
          • Contemporary or Transitional

          Product Description

          From the Manufacturer

          The Savoy House 54-471-5FB-250 Zephyr 54-Inch Ceiling Fan is as ambiguous as its name implies. One of the definitions of Zephyr is that it’s any light refreshing wind, or a gentle breeze. This ceiling fan is a refreshing revised version of the basic traditional, and would update your home easily with its graceful lines, for many lifestyles. You could use it in your entry for a rejuvenating feel with the modern design, or in a dining room in place of the traditional chandelier for the added benefit of air movement and the glow of the light as a focal point with its contemporary style. The 54-471-5FB-250 has a 54 inch blade span and a 14 degree blade pitch. This fan has a 188mm x 15mm motor and is a three speed reversible motor which uses only 71.6 watts of electricity on high speed. The 54-471-5FB-250 pushes 5334 cubic feet per minute and 74 cubic feet per minute per watt. This item is sold one per package and comes complete with five flat black blades, one 8-inch finish downrod, light kit, and the WLC300 wall control for ease of operation if higher ceilings are an issue, or if you just desire the convenience. An RMT001 hand-held remote control is compatible with this ceiling fan, also, and can be purchased separately. This fan is not compatible for any kit that will make it into a flush mount ceiling fan. In any installation, the tips of the blades must be at least 18 inches from the wall in order to provide sufficient clearance for the blades; and for safety reasons, the fan blades must be a minimum of 7-feet above the floor. Savoy House has focused its effort on looking for the perfection of its fixtures, through which it always has relied on the best designers, on the most demanding control of quality on manufacture process, as well as on the aid of the most expert consultants in decoration. When classic design and superb craftsmanship are united in a single work, the result is an item of enduring beauty, a treasure that transcends the current fad or fashion.

          Product Description

          The Savoy House Fan 54-471-5FB-250 is a Zephyr Ceiling Fan with the RMT006 - 3-Speed Fan, Reversing & Up/Downlight Dimmer Remote Control in the Mercury Black motor finish. This Fan is from the Zephyr Collection and is UL Indoor rated. The Zephyr Includes 8" (1/2" Interior Diameter) Pole.

          Design House 152991 Atrium Hugger Ceiling Fan, 30-Inch, White

          Product Specifications
          Brand Design House
          Part Number 152991
          Assembled Height 7.49 inches
          Assembled Length 17.53 inches
          Assembled Width 10.40 inches
          Item Package Quantity1
          Color White
          Blade Color white
          Number of Blades 6
          Material White
          Number of Lights 1
          Power Source corded-electric

          Technical Details

          • White finish with frosted opal glass
          • Reversible motor for year round comfort
          • Hugger mount for tight locations
          • Install with or without light kit
          • 3-speed pull chain control, great for damp area use

          Product Description

          From the Manufacturer

          The 30-Inch Atrium fan's petite design is perfect for small spaces. It has a 3-speed pull chain control and is great for use in damp places. The reversible motor will give you comfort year round. Affordable for the cost conscious consumer. The white finish with frosted opal glass will go with almost any decor.

          Product Description

          Finish:White, Glass:Frosted Opal, Blade Finish:Bleached Oak/White, Light Bulb:(1)60w B10 Cand F Incand The Atrium fan's petite design is perfect for small spaces and the cost conscious. 30.5' Fan with 6 blades Light Kit - Adaptable Suitable for damp locations Hugger mount for tight locations Install with or without light kit Remote motor control 3-Speed reversible motor Airflow - 3,900 CFM Electricity use - 45 watts (excludes lights) Airflow efficiency - 87 CFM/watt

          Product Specifications
          Brand Design House
          Part Number 152991
          Assembled Height 7.49 inches
          Assembled Length 17.53 inches
          Assembled Width 10.40 inches
          Item Package Quantity1
          Color White
          Blade Color white
          Number of Blades 6
          Material White
          Number of Lights 1
          Power Source corded-electric

          Technical Details

          • White finish with frosted opal glass
          • Reversible motor for year round comfort
          • Hugger mount for tight locations
          • Install with or without light kit
          • 3-speed pull chain control, great for damp area use

          Product Description

          From the Manufacturer

          The 30-Inch Atrium fan's petite design is perfect for small spaces. It has a 3-speed pull chain control and is great for use in damp places. The reversible motor will give you comfort year round. Affordable for the cost conscious consumer. The white finish with frosted opal glass will go with almost any decor.

          Product Description

          Finish:White, Glass:Frosted Opal, Blade Finish:Bleached Oak/White, Light Bulb:(1)60w B10 Cand F Incand The Atrium fan's petite design is perfect for small spaces and the cost conscious. 30.5' Fan with 6 blades Light Kit - Adaptable Suitable for damp locations Hugger mount for tight locations Install with or without light kit Remote motor control 3-Speed reversible motor Airflow - 3,900 CFM Electricity use - 45 watts (excludes lights) Airflow efficiency - 87 CFM/watt

          Apple MacBook Pro MD313LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

          Product Features and Technical Details
          Capacity: 500 GB
          Product Features

          2.4 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Processor
          4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
          500 GB Hard Drive, 8x DVD/CD SuperDrive
          13.3-Inch LED-backlit Display, 1280-by-800 Resolution, Intel HD Graphics 3000
          Mac OS X v10.7 Lion, 7 Hour Battery Life

          Processor, Memory, and Motherboard

          Hardware Platform: Mac
          Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
          System Bus Speed: 2400 MHz
          Number of Processors: 1
          RAM: 4 GB
          RAM Type: SDRAM
          Max RAM: 8 GB
          Memory Slots: 2 DDR

          Hard Drive

          Size: 500 GB
          Manufacturer: VERTEX AGILITY 3 / 240GB
          Type: Serial ATA
          Speed: 5400 rpm

          Graphics and Display

          Graphics Card: HD Graphics 3000
          Graphics RAM: 384 MB
          LCD Native Resolution: 1280 x 800

          Ports and Connectivity

          USB 2.0 Ports: 2

          Cases and Expandability

          Size (LWH): 0 inches, 0 inches, 0 inches
          Weight: 8.24 pounds


          Rated Charge (normal use): 7 hours

          Warranty and Support

 Returns Policies: You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.

          Product Features and Technical Details
          Capacity: 500 GB
          Product Features

          2.4 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Processor
          4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
          500 GB Hard Drive, 8x DVD/CD SuperDrive
          13.3-Inch LED-backlit Display, 1280-by-800 Resolution, Intel HD Graphics 3000
          Mac OS X v10.7 Lion, 7 Hour Battery Life

          Processor, Memory, and Motherboard

          Hardware Platform: Mac
          Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
          System Bus Speed: 2400 MHz
          Number of Processors: 1
          RAM: 4 GB
          RAM Type: SDRAM
          Max RAM: 8 GB
          Memory Slots: 2 DDR

          Hard Drive

          Size: 500 GB
          Manufacturer: VERTEX AGILITY 3 / 240GB
          Type: Serial ATA
          Speed: 5400 rpm

          Graphics and Display

          Graphics Card: HD Graphics 3000
          Graphics RAM: 384 MB
          LCD Native Resolution: 1280 x 800

          Ports and Connectivity

          USB 2.0 Ports: 2

          Cases and Expandability

          Size (LWH): 0 inches, 0 inches, 0 inches
          Weight: 8.24 pounds


          Rated Charge (normal use): 7 hours

          Warranty and Support

 Returns Policies: You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.

          Apple iPod touch 8GB (4th Generation) - Black - Current Version

          Product Features and Technical Details

          Capacity: 8 GB | Color: Black

          Product Features

          • It has 8 GB capacity for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video
          • It has up to 40 hours of audio playback or 7 hours of video playback on a single charge
          • Support for AAC, Protected AAC (iTunes Store) and other audio formats, H.264, MPEG-4
          • It has one-year limited warranty
          • iPod touch has 8 GB capacity for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video.

          Technical Details

          • Brand Name: Apple
          • Model: MC540LL/A
          • Digital Storage Capacity: 8 GB
          • Color Name: Black
          • Display Size: 3.5 inches
          • Hardware Platform: PC
          • Length: 0.28 inches
          • Width: 2.3 inches
          • Weight: 100.00 grams

          Product Features and Technical Details

          Capacity: 8 GB | Color: Black

          Product Features

          • It has 8 GB capacity for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video
          • It has up to 40 hours of audio playback or 7 hours of video playback on a single charge
          • Support for AAC, Protected AAC (iTunes Store) and other audio formats, H.264, MPEG-4
          • It has one-year limited warranty
          • iPod touch has 8 GB capacity for about 2,000 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video.

          Technical Details

          • Brand Name: Apple
          • Model: MC540LL/A
          • Digital Storage Capacity: 8 GB
          • Color Name: Black
          • Display Size: 3.5 inches
          • Hardware Platform: PC
          • Length: 0.28 inches
          • Width: 2.3 inches
          • Weight: 100.00 grams

          Apple iPad MD328LL/A (16GB, Wi-Fi, White)



          Product Features and Technical Details

          Size Name: 16GB | Item Shape: Wi-Fi | Color Name: White

          Product Features

          • 9.7 Retina Display; 2048 x 1536 Resolution
          • Apple iOS 5; Dual-Core A5X Chip with Quad-Core Graphics
          • 5 Megapixel iSight Camera; 1080p Video Recording
          • Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n); 16 GB Capacityes: 1 x Headphones - Mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm, 1 x Docking / port replicator - 30-pin dock connector
          • Up to 10 Hours of Battery Life; 1.44 lbs
          Processor, Memory, and Motherboard
          • Hardware Platform: XXX
          • Processor: Tablet Processor
          • RAM Type: SIMM
          Hard Drive
          • Type: Solid State
          Cases and Expandability
          • Size (LWH): 9.5 inches, 7.31 inches, 0.37 inches
          • Weight: 1.44 pounds
          Warranty and Support
          • Returns Policies: You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.



          Product Features and Technical Details

          Size Name: 16GB | Item Shape: Wi-Fi | Color Name: White

          Product Features

          • 9.7 Retina Display; 2048 x 1536 Resolution
          • Apple iOS 5; Dual-Core A5X Chip with Quad-Core Graphics
          • 5 Megapixel iSight Camera; 1080p Video Recording
          • Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n); 16 GB Capacityes: 1 x Headphones - Mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm, 1 x Docking / port replicator - 30-pin dock connector
          • Up to 10 Hours of Battery Life; 1.44 lbs
          Processor, Memory, and Motherboard
          • Hardware Platform: XXX
          • Processor: Tablet Processor
          • RAM Type: SIMM
          Hard Drive
          • Type: Solid State
          Cases and Expandability
          • Size (LWH): 9.5 inches, 7.31 inches, 0.37 inches
          • Weight: 1.44 pounds
          Warranty and Support
          • Returns Policies: You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.
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